Oceania Allura-Class ships

Rio de Janeiro is one port on an Oceania cruise to South America. Photo from riodejaneiro.com.
Oceania is near the top of my list of favorite cruise lines.
It features mid-sized ships, in the 600 to 1,250 passenger range, interesting itineraries covering much of the world, and terrific food — or, as their ads put it, “the finest cuisine at sea.” In my experience — which includes two Oceania Mediterranean cruises — this is no exageration.
Oceania cruises are ideal for baby boomers — the atmosphere onboard is refined and the passengers tend to be older adults.
The cruise line is rolling out two new ships, one in 2022 and another in 2025, the first two in its new 1,200-passenger Allura-Class line.
And now for the good news: Oceania is currently conducting a contest to name the 2022 ship, with a top prize of a free inaugural cruise for two… Continue reading