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The Expert in Baby Boomer Travel

Travel Copywriter

50+ travel

You'll see beautiful Norwegian fjords on Grand European Travel's "Scenic Scandinavia" tour. Photo from Grand European Travel..

You’ll see beautiful Norwegian fjords on Grand European Travel’s “Scenic Scandinavia” tour. Photo from Grand European Travel.

Grand European Travel — which offers more than 300 guided vacations, escorted tours, and river cruises around the world — has a catchy quiz up on its website called “What Type of Traveler Are You?”

Just answer a few questions like “How Would You Spend Your Weekend?”, “What Does the Inside of Your Dream House Look Like?”, and “What Is the Perfect Travel Outfit?”  — with pictures to guide your way — and find out what type of guided tour might be right for you.

If you’re like me, you may want to take the quiz more than once because some questions have at least two choices (out of six) that seem appealing.

When I took the quiz the first time, I was deemed a “Nature Lover” (which I am) and directed… Continue reading

Like to ride a camel through the Hindu Kush? Contact Exodus Travels. Photo from Exodus Travels

Like to ride a camel through the Hindu Kush? Contact Exodus Travels. Photo from Exodus Travels

What’s the top experience that folks seek out after turning 50?

A new survey of 2,000 passport-carrying Americans aged 50 and up shows that traveling abroad is their number one choice for realizing their passions.

The survey, commissioned by Exodus Travels — a UK-based  adventure travel company with a substantial  presence in the U.S. and Canada — confirmed  what Exodus leaders say they had observed for a number of years: that Americans gain a new “lust for life” after age 50.

And that “second wind” translates most heavily into travel.

Asked “What led you to gaining a new passion/appreciation for life?“, one-third of respondents close “a travel experience” — which tied with “retirement” in that category.

The next question was key: “What have you done or do… Continue reading






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According to government and private surveys:

  • Leading-edge baby boomers (born between 1946 and 1955) and seniors account for four out of every five dollars spent on luxury travel today.
  • Roughly half the consumer spending money in the U.S.--more than $2 trillion--is in the hands of leading-edge baby boomers and seniors.
  • Baby boomers (born 1946-1964) travel more than any other age group.
  • When asked what they would most like to spend their money on, baby boomers answered “travel” more than any other category, including improving their health or finances.

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