Award-winning travel photographer Dennis Cox and I have been friends since high school. We’ve collaborated on several magazine and newspaper projects over the years, and Dennis has contributed a number of his photos for use on
Our collaboration has worked out well since my photography skills are about on a par with his writing abilities. In other words, if he sticks to camera work and I stick to words, we do OK.
One of our collaborative pieces for Hemispheres Magazine, on China’s ethereal Mt. Huangshan, was named Best Magazine Travel Article of the year in 1995 by the Pacific Asia Travel Association. We’ve also worked together on pieces for The Washington Post Magazine, Destinations magazine, the San Francisco Examiner, and other publications.
But we had never done a book together until now. The final product, which we finished earlier this year — Cruising the World: From Gondolas to Megaships — provides a wonderful showcase for Dennis’ photographic talents. My contribution was to write the text, which delves a bit into the history of cruising, the modern-day flamboyance of “floating island” megaships, and the quieter, more intimate experiences to be found on a variety of small vessels sailing the globe.
Or at least they were sailing the globe before the coronavirus struck and temporarily sent cruise ships around the world heading into dock. Whether they begin to return this summer, fall, or later, cruising will eventually be back, with new safety measures in place. (Note: one German cruise line has just started up river cruising on the Danube and Rhine.)

Traditional dhow sailing in Stone Town harbor of Zanzibar. Photo by Dennis Cox / WorldViews
But in the meantime, we invite you to reminisce with Cruising the World and discover new options that go way beyond the ocean-going cruise lines: from river barges to Arabian dhows, Hong Kong ferries to festive Mexican trajineras, and much more.
The coffee table-style book sells for $40 and is available at
For further information, here’s a review of Cruising the World that just appeared in the June 2020 issue of the online book review magazine “Wisconsin Bookwatch,” an offshoot of
The Review
“Synopsis: Featuring an informative text by Clark Norton, ‘Cruising The World: From Gondolas To Megaships’ is a full-color illustrated, hardcover, coffee table style book that is comprised of 535 photos depicting 37 varieties of cruise vessels representing 77 countries on all seven continents.
From modern-day megaships to such timeless vessels as Venetian gondolas, Arabian dhows, and Asian sampans, seasoned and professional travel photographer Dennis Cox has drawn on his decades of cruising experience to take the reader on a memorable and fascinating journey aboard ocean- and sea-going, river, lake, and canal boats around the world.

Belle of Louisville stern wheel riverboat on Ohio River at Louisville. Photo by Dennis Cox / WorldViews
During a recent flurry of cruises through such widespread locales as the Galapagos Islands, the Middle East, Hawai’i, Europe, and the Caribbean, ‘Cruising The World’ documents the latest cutting-edge innovations in cruising and cruise ships, while also showcasing the more exotic forms of water-borne transportation that have carried sailors, passengers, fishermen, and royalty over the centuries.
‘Cruising The World’ features beautiful images of the Caribbean, the Americas, Europe, the Mediterranean, the Middle East, East Asia, the Far East Islands, Southeast Asia, South Asia, the South Pacific, Africa, and Antarctica.
‘Cruising The World’ presents timely and timeless information on Megaships, Resorts at Sea, Luxury Cruises, Cargo Ship Cruising, Cruise Ship Food & Entertainment, ‘Most Colorful Ships’, Ferries, Canal Barges, Rice Boats, Tour Boats, River Ships, Tall Ships, Expedition Ships, Paddle Wheelers, Trajineras, Gondolas, and more!
Critique: Entertaining and educational, ‘Cruising The World: From Gondoloas To Megaships’ is an inherently fascinating browse and ideal for the personal reading lists of armchair travelers in general, and anyone considering a shipboard world traveling experience in particular.
Very highly recommended, ‘Cruising The World’ is certain to be an immediate and enduringly popular addition to personal reading lists, as well as community, college, and university library Travel Guide collections.

Colorful trajineras cruising the floating gardens of Xochimilco at Mexico City. Photo by Dennis Cox / WorldViews.
Editorial Note: As an assignment photographer for magazines and as a stock travel photo producer, Dennis Cox has photographed in 130 countries and territories and has made more than 50 trips to China alone.”
So, if this intrigues you, please go to and order your copy today!
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